Behind The Scenes - Props

We are very lucky to have the space at the Hut to be able to store a good quantity of props, these have been collected over many years and we continue to add to the store with every show we do.
Properties (props) are a vital part of any play or Pantomime, and is a really fun way of being involved in a show backstage without having to learn any lines!
It is also very interesting, as the props team need to make sure that all the props used are of the correct era. If a 1990’s telephone was used in a play set in the 1950’s someone will notice and comment!
Pantomimes often give the props team a great opportunity to be creative and make the most exciting things, and everything has to be oversized. These have included a camel pie, a bag of sheep, a giant telephone on wheels, a three foot lipstick . . . . . . .
It is a three part job, the first part is to source the props and make, or get someone to make, any needed.
The second is to have the props available at rehearsals as early as possible, so the cast become familiar with them all.
The third part is to ‘run’ the props table during the show, this involves being backstage and making sure that all the props are in the right pace at the right time.
The props can be run by one person or a team, sometimes the same people will source the props and run the table, other times these roles can be divided up between several volunteers.
It is a very vital and great fun backstage job.